Good Works
Service Projects
Growing by Grace was called to meet the needs of the prison during the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Initially a client reached out to Mary to inform her of the need for ( PPE) personal protection equipment. Growing by Grace was able to gather and donate much needed items like disinfectanct, bleach, cleaners, gloves, and hand sanitizer. Through the generous donation of parishoners at St. Benilde, Our Lady of the Lake and Mary Queen of Peace, GBG was also able to donate over 229 handmade masks. Growing by Grace later learned that once an individual was diagnosed with Covid-19, they were immediately relocated to another area for healing. Those individuals were not able to bring any personal items at that time. GBG was able to provide toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, soap and other personal care for those being treated..
May, 2020 - Donation #1
Over 1000 items donated
Warden Stagg and Mary
June, 2020 - Donation #2
Over 1700 items - including 229 handmade masks
Warden Smith, Warden Stagg and Mary
October, 2023 - Donation #5
New Bicycle Donated to Help a Recently Released Client
June, 2023 - Donation #3
30 Yrs of National Geographic magazines from Frank and Martha Gonzales
Faye Talbot, Head of Education Dept with Nancy and Mary
August, 2023 - Donation #4
Shopping Trip to Get Clothing and Groceries for Recently Released Client